Weight Loss Story: “I Lost 41kg in 7 Months Without a Single Cheat” | The Times of India

My breakfast: Mostly pasta with poha, upma or sometimes a glass of milk.

Lunch: Two chapatis, one bowl of vegetable/dal, sprouted curd

My dinner: One or two chapatis with vegetables, and a glass of milk at bedtime.

Pre-Workout Meal: Sprouts Salad

Post-Workout Meal: I usually have breakfast after my workout, but if I feel hungry, I also take a whey protein shake.

I add to this (what you eat on your cheat days): All these 7 months I haven’t had a single cheat meal because I believed that if I worked hard six days a week, and high calorie Had a meal On the seventh day, I will lose all my gains. My only goal was to lose all the extra weight.

Low-Calorie Recipes I Swear by: Fruits and Salads


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