World Autism Awareness Day 2023: Theme, significance, history and reason to celebrate – all you need to know about the neurological disorder

autism spectrum disorder: To raise awareness about autism, a brain developmental condition, people around the world celebrate World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April every year. The day aims to increase awareness and acceptance of individuals with autism spectrum disease (ASD) around the world.

As the name suggests, it is a day to increase public understanding of the autism spectrum condition. On this day, a variety of events and activities are held, such as community gatherings, fundraising campaigns for autism research, and events for individuals with autism and their loved ones.

What is autism or autism spectrum disorder?

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder, is a brain developmental disorder that affects a wide range of people and is usually diagnosed around the age of 2 or 3. , The WHO estimates that one in 100 children is diagnosed with autism.

Autism is a chronic neurological disorder that often appears in the early childhood years. The disease can appear in infancy, regardless of a person’s gender, color, or social status. Although the exact cause of autism is still unknown, there is a hereditary component in some individuals with the disorder.

Autistic individuals have a wide range of skills and needs that may change over time. While some people with autism can live independently, others will need care and support for the rest of their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. The early signs and symptoms of autism are:

1. Difficulty with social communication and interaction skills

2. Restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests

3. Delay in cognitive or learning skills

4. Hyperactive, impulsive and/or inattentive behavior

5. Anxiety, stress or excessive worrying

6. Epilepsy or seizure disorders

(according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

World Autism Awareness Day 2023: Theme

A different theme is used every year to mark World Autism Awareness Day. The theme for this year’s World Autism Awareness Day 2023 is “Contributions of autistic persons at home, at work, in the arts and in policy making.”

World Autism Awareness Day: History

The United Nations General Assembly established World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April to raise public awareness of the need to support people with autism, help them live more fulfilling lives, and become valued members of society.

When the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered into force in 2008, the basic principle of universal human rights for all was reaffirmed. Its main goal was to advance and protect all the fundamental rights and freedoms of people with disabilities.

The UN family has consistently valued diversity and supported the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities, particularly those who have developmental and learning disabilities.

World Autism Awareness Day: Significance

The purpose of celebrating World Autism Awareness Day is to increase public awareness of ASD, which will benefit those affected and enable individuals with autism to realize their full potential.

Reasons to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day

The United Nations claims that “many barriers and forms of discrimination are faced by autistic persons. We must recognize that major disruptions to routine and everyday life, including pandemics, war and natural disasters, can be very difficult for persons with autism.” are particularly dangerous for. Like other groups. , autistic individuals have a variety of difficulties and skills that are sometimes overlooked by society. Next, if we tap into their skills, Someone with autism can contribute to society in a positive way.

The world needs to understand that if we approach individuals with hope and a positive attitude, people with autism can contribute to society in many ways instead of becoming a burden.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)