World Mental Health Day 2022: How does the mental health of young professionals impact organizations at large?

It is estimated that one third of our lives are spent at work. This is long enough to have a serious impact on our physical and mental health. And yet, workplace stress is increasingly emerging as a growing threat to the mental well-being of young professionals. Findings of a recent survey suggest that nearly 80 per cent of the Indian workforce has reported mental health issues in the past year. Prakriti Poddar, Global Head, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Roundglass, lays out the challenges that organizations may face if the mental health issues of employees are not given proper attention.

absent from work
Poor mental health can lead to more serious health issues and a huge increase in medical bills. Individuals suffering from mental health issues have twice the risk of heart attack than the general population. They are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. All this adds up to absenteeism at work and decreased productivity. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 200 million workdays are lost each year due to depression.

It refers to employees who report to work but are not able to perform and be productive due to an existing medical condition or physical illness. This can lead to a loss of 80 percent in productivity.

low productivity
Poor mental health can affect a professional’s ability to concentrate on the task at hand, multi-task and can also reduce his or her stamina.

high employee turnover
Organizations that lack a people-first approach or do not focus on employee wellness programs have been shown to suffer from high attrition rates.

The good news is that globally leaders and managers are taking employee mental health more seriously. They are investing in corporate wellbeing programs and solutions to enable the physical and mental well being of their employees. According to Roundglass Wellbeing at Work Survey Report 2020-21, 86% India Inc. is investing in employee health and wellness programs with more than 50 percent of organizations offering health checks/awareness or meditation sessions to their employees.

Workplace wellness programs not only promote the well-being of employees, but also help the organization to grow with higher engagement levels, good social interactions, and higher retention rates.

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