From weight-lifting to plank, Janhvi Kapoor’s workout is all the inspiration you need

It is fair to assume that many people admire Janhvi Kapoor’s toned looks.

Weight lifting, yoga, or Pilates-Janhvi’s fitness regimen is an ideal mix of multiple workouts that keep her in shape

It would be fair to say that Jhanvi Kapoor’s toned physique is the envy of many. There is a lot of hard work behind the perfect body. Be it weight-lifting, yoga sessions, or Pilates, Janhvi’s fitness routine is a perfect mix of various exercises that help her stay fit. In a recent Instagram post, the actress was seen working out hard at the gym. She captioned, “AntiGravity Club mornings are the best kind of mornings.”

Janhvi Kapoor’s workout routine reminds us how important it is to exercise. Whether by improving the body’s strength, stamina, flexibility and balance, working out can improve quality of life.

Top five exercises you can incorporate as well, taking inspiration from Gym Queen:


Running on a treadmill offers many benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, stamina and strengthening of the leg muscles. It provides a controlled and safe environment for running, reduces the risk of injuries and allows for better tracking of progress. Running on a treadmill also offers the ability to adjust the speed, incline and intensity of the workout, making it suitable for all fitness levels.

Cable Wood Chopping:

This exercise targets the core, shoulders and hips. Begin by standing perpendicular to the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasping the cable handles with both hands. Rotate your torso as you pull the cable handles diagonally across your body, ending with your hands near your opposite hip. Keep your arms extended and repeat the motion for the desired number of repetitions, then switch sides. The cable wood chop exercise is an effective way to improve core strength and stability.

Dumbbell Press:

The dumbbell press is a compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders and triceps. It involves lying on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand and pressing the weights up toward the ceiling while keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle. The dumbbell press is a popular exercise for building upper body strength and muscle.


It is a form of strength training that involves lifting weights or using resistance to build muscle and increase strength. It is a popular form of exercise for improving overall fitness and can be performed using a variety of equipment such as barbells, dumbbells and resistance bands.


This core-strengthening exercise involves holding a straight-arm plank position for a set amount of time. It targets multiple muscle groups and can be modified to increase or decrease the difficulty. It is often incorporated into fitness routines and challenges.

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